DeVotchKa was one of the bands I heard about during SXSW this year. At the time I was so overwhelmed trying to catch all the bands I knew about that I didn't actually hear the new DeVotchKa record until a few weeks ago. But let me tell you it does not disappoint.
A Mad & Faithful Telling sounds majestic and sincere at the same time. DeVotchKa offers the drama of Arcade Fire with a Balkan/Gypsy twist. Their music was featured in Little Miss Sunshine, so they've been kicking around making records for a few years. But I feel like '08 may be their year to step it up a notch in the fame market.
Listen for this song in upcoming movies(?), TV shows(?), commercials(?):
DeVotchKa - Transliterator
RIYL:Arcade Fire, The National, Gogol Bordello, The Boss(?)