This is just a brief video post about MGMT, who put out one of my favorite, records of '08 thus far. Expect some self-indulgent lists in the future. I think all music people love lists, regardless of their subject, but I digress. From the "Best of the mid-year" lists I've seen so far MGMT's, Oracular Spectacular, seems to have been forgotten.
I think the January release date made it easy to think that it came out in '07, chances are it leaked in '07. The other thing is Oracular Spectacular is a summer record, it has that sort of road-trip, dancing in the car vibe. Some tracks are more obvious singles than others. But the band shifts it's sound throughout the record, so if you've got the album mixed in a big playlist you mind find yourself double-checking to see if
I saw these guys, with Yeasayer at Emo's in January. Actually, it was the day Oracular Spectacular came out, the 22nd. I like Tuesday, Wednesday shows...especially during the school year. In any case if you get the chance to catch these guys out on tour, you should. The music was on-point live, these guys didn't sound sloppy or bored. If they were drunk they didn't do too many shots. The sound is dance music, with a darker, more psychedelic edge.
Video after the jump...
Way to not allow embedding YouTube. If you weren't so iPhone compatible you would not have gotten that link over Daily Motion. Technically, it's Sony BMG that are being douchebags about the embedding. Way to use a dinosaur business model Sony BMG.
Download MGMT - Time to Pretend in .MOV format.
These guys are from Brooklyn but they're way bigger in the U.K...and possibly Japan?