So Portishead released their third album this year cleverly titled, Third. I didn't really intend to blog about it because it's effing Portishead. If you love it you love it. If you don't I feel sorry for you. But you've had plenty of time to find out about the record by now.
What does all of this have to do with Thievery Corporation? Very little other than setting a musical tone-scape for your mind to meander through while I tell you about what's happening tonight at the Waller Creek Amphitheatre.
The official Thievery Corporation show is "sold-out" at the moment, which just means you may have to get your ticket somewhere else along Red River. You could also just hang out in the general vicinity of Stubb's and listen to the dubbed out, electro-lounge, space-pop that is Thievery Corporation.
For my money I'd cross the street, walk a block and a half North to the Mohawk. For a mere 5 bucks you can catch the official Thievery Corp. after party. And since you don't have a ticket to the show at Stubb's you can beat the crowd to the after party. Will TC be performing? Who knows, but the after-party is listed on their MySpace blog and I've seen posters all over town for it.
See who will most deffinatly be playing the after-party after the jump...party.
This is what their blog has to say about the after-party:
Presented by Strangetribe Productions and ESL Music, the official Thievery Corporation after party takes place @ Mohawk (912 Red River) with Ocote Soul Sounds and DJ Bigface. Entrance $5. Tickets at door. 10pm
I would hope that there would also be a little mini-set from Thievery Corporation, but I'm not sure how these things usually work. The only "Official After-Party" I've ever done was after an Interpol show, the band showed up to drink at a small club across town and one or two of them spun some records. Perhaps since Thievery Corporation are a DJ duo they'll perform acoustic folk jams ala that guy on the stairs in Animal House?
In any case, Stubb's shows start and end early because of the open air noise ordinance who haw. Since the Mohawk is right down the street, this means the after-party will be an indoor affair (read hot, sweaty, drunk hipsters jammed into tight, dive-chic, spaces). Plan early, get home safely. Drinking and driving ain't coo!
There are no "official" free Mp3's to download From Thievery Corporation but if you want to hear what they sound like you can stream songs on their MySpace and record label page here.
Here's a vid I scrounged up:
Thievery Corporation - Shadow of Ourselves via YouTube