10. Beck - Modern Guilt

See the rest after the jump...
God, it's hard to decide which should go at what number. Let me just preface the rest of this by saying I'm not firm on the number placement. Also there are albums that narrowly missed, but when I do a top songs those artists will definitely be represented. I'm talking 'bout you Crystal Castles, Islands and others.
9. Girl Talk - Feed the Animals

8. Wolf Parade - At Mount Zoomer

7. MGMT - Oracular Spectacular

6. Raconteurs - Consolers of the Lonely

5. Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes

4. Jamie Lidell - Jim

3. Helio Sequence - Keep Your Eyes Ahead

2. Sigur Ros - Með Suð í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust

1. Cut Copy - In Ghost Colours

This was WAY harder than I thought. I left Radiohead off, because technically In Rainbows came out in digital form in 2007. Also, Bon Iver apparently came out in 2007. You'll notice Vampire Weekend didn't make the list even though their album came out in January and I really like it. However, it leaked in 2007 and I saw them in November of 2007 so to me it is an '07 release sorry VW you'll still be on the year end list...probably. Same goes to you Santogold, this would have been easier if I'd chosen top 25.
Here's some sample Mp3's from the albums that had legal, official links...ie all the bands on Sub-Pop Records. Some of these Mp3's may be reposts.
the Helio Sequence - Can't Say No
Fleet Foxes - White Winter Hymnal
Wolf Parade - Language City
Cut Copy - Lights and Music
And here's some video for you:
The Raconteurs - Old Enough Live @ Bonaroo via YouTube