So I've already mentioned my subjective best of album list for the year to date. Now it's time for the individual songs that have made me crank up the car stereo. These aren't necessarily "the best" anything. They are just songs that have made me happy this year...and hopefully these are all songs that were released in 2008, if not oh well they are still good songs.
10. the Black Keys - Strange Times
The rest of the list after the jump...
9. Jamie Lidell - Another Day
8. Islands - The Arm
7. Crystal Castles VS. HEALTH - Crimewave (Remix)
6. Santogold - Creator
5. Sigur Rós - Gobbledigook
4. Devotchka - Transliterator
3. The Raconteurs - Old Enough
2. MGMT - Time To Pretend
1. Radiohead - House of Cards
Ok, so I know I didn't let Radiohead's In Rainbows make the album list 'cause it was released in 2007 but House of Cards wasn't a single until 2008 so there! And for the Crystal Castles song the opposite is true. The song I listed was released in November of 07 but the Crystal Castles album was an 08 release, so I've taken some liberties.
I've also taken the liberty of making this list into a project playlist...list so you can hear the list songs if you wish:
It should also be noted that some of the songs I've listened to the most this year were released last year. Including Bon Iver and Panda Bear, who both have received a lot of plays this year. I also wanted to mention my love for the song Gone, Gone, Gone by Robert Plant & Alison Krauss but that too was released in 2007.
Panda Bear - Bros (Edit) video via YouTube