I feel like I've mentioned this several times already, but it can't hurt to mention again. One of my favs, Wolf Parade will be bringing their brand of indie-rock to La Zona Rosa this Friday. It appears as though you can still get tickets but they'll cost you a 20 spot.
Good news is that's cheaper than buying their back catalog and chances are they'll be playing...like almost that many songs. But it's also 5 gallons of gas, I bet if you brought 5 gallons of gas to your local ticket merchant they would be more than willing to hook you up with a ticket to see Wolf Parade. Give it a shot.
Need I point you to the same Wolf Parade content after the jump? Don't worry I'll find something of note...
Ok, so I have been scouring for content on Wolf Parade that I haven't already posted. I did find this cool video from Sunset Rubdown, which shares singer/songwriter Spencer Krug with Wolf Parade. Anyway, it's a Black Cab Session, which you should definitely check out if you haven't already.
Sunset Rubdown video borrowed from Black Cab Session, they use Daily Motion.
I also found this video for I'll Believe in Anything by Wolf Parade. It's on .MOV format.
Here it is again:
via YouTube