That's right kids, Ryan Adams may, or may not, be coming to your town. He is coming to Austin in October, which is SOOO far away BUT tickets are on sale this Thursday. So get thee to your ticket vendor and demand your $40-$50 ticket to see Ryan Adams & the Cardinals at the Paramount Theater.
I've already posted an entire set by Ryan Adams & the Cardinals but I can't resist giving you a little something else...
Ryan Adams & the Cardinals - Oh My God, Whatever, Etc.
Live at the Paramount Theater in Austin, Tx 07-14-2007
Well this is a bit weird, but I noticed this little planet in the upper-right on Ryan Adams' webpage, which brought me to Cardinology.com. Once there, the only thing you see is a picture of a mailbox and an option to register. Not really sure what it's about but I'll let you know if and when I do find out.
I really debated with myself about what sort of video to add here, I decided to go with an official video from Ryan Adams & the Cardinals. As opposed, to Ryan by himself.
Ryan Adams & the Cardinals - Follow the Light video via YouTube
Whilst perusing YouTube I found some awesome vids, this one user has some AWESOME playlists. I recommend the KCRW performance playlist. But there's also a Letterman playlist
Ryan Adams & the Cardinals - Come Pick Me Up/Down in a Hole video via YouTube
I had to add this one just for Letterman's intro:
Ryan Adams & the Cardinals - How Do You Keep Love Alive/Pearls on a String video via YouTube