So normally I'm not really into music, which I consider to be overly-aggressive. I know, I'm a wuss, but I like a nice gentle melody. I'll take sad bastard music over angry bastard music any day of the week. All that said, I wanted to let you know that Monotonix is in town tonight. They're an Israeli metal band that enjoys playing with fire...literally. The last time they were in town they played the Mohawk and it was absolute chaos. So much so that my loved ones won't allow me to go to Red 7 tonight to catch the spectacle that is, Monotonix.
This video is from their performance at the Mohawk. You might want to check it out so you know what to expect. But I suggest you just go and check it out for yourself.
Monotonix - Live @ the Mohawk video via YouTube
So, obviously, if you decide to go tonight you should plan for a fire at the venue and plan your escape route accordingly. Keeping in mind that it might be dark and smokey and you might be effing wasted. In case you've never been to the venue shown in the above video, it is totally outside, but the drums were lit on fire from the crowd area not the stage area. And "outside" at Red 7 is not TOTALLY open to the air. Are you scared yet? You should be.
Monotonix - Doin' their thing at a SXSW day party last year. Video via YouTube
Sorry if those are the same song but it's really more about the spectacle if you ask me.
By the way, tickets for tonight's show are only $8 if you're interested.