To be honest, I don't really know much about Fujiya & Miyagi but I can tell you they are playing at Emo's inside on Friday night. I can also tell you that they share a label with Austin's own White Denim, at least in the U.K. they do.
Fujiya & Miyagi, who, are actually not a duo, and not Japanese, hail from England. They play Krautrock, which sounds racist but isn't, I swear. If that's not interesting enough for you already (jeez) did I mention that tickets are only $15 and that gets you Fujiya & Miyagi AND Project Jenny, Project Jan plus LOADS of scene points.
Warning, scene points may require skinny jeans, scarves, sunglasses at night, etc.
Mp3 courtesy of Full Time Hobby records. Thanks.
Free Mp3 ---> Fujiya & Miyagi - Dishwasher
Video after the jump...
This video is so bad-ass:
Fujya & Miyagi - Ankle Injuries video via YouTube
Fujiya & Miyagi - Collarbone video via YouTube
Just for the record Project Jenny, Project Jan are actually a duo, HOWEVER they are neither Jenny nor Jan, nor...Japanese. They're from Brooklyn, of course (scene points), and here they are:
Project Jenny, Project Jan - 320 video via YouTube