Did I mention that one of my favorite bloggers is coming to town a bit early? Actually like every music blogger is coming to town, but I'm talking about Aquarium Drunkard. Tomorrow night as a way to launch SXSW Interactive you can catch Black Joe Lewis & the Honey Bears, White Denim and American Princes at Red Eyed Fly all for FREE!
Well free, with an RSVP.
It almost seems unnecessary but find video from these artists after the jump...
American Princes - Never Grow Old video via YouTube
Just for the record Black Joe Lewis is one of my favorite Austin artists and it's hard to find decent video for him, you hear that Lost Highway Records? But man does this song jam!! Buy Black Joe's album...like now.
Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears - Sugarfoot video via YouTube
I'm not sure but I bet White Denim are really sick of playing most of these songs by now. Seems like the Let's Talk About It EP came out like 2 years ago now. But if you STILL haven't seen or heard them live or on record...where have you been?
White Denim - All You Really Have to Do video via YouTube