Monday, April 18, 2011

Fitz and the Tantrums at LZR

Super-fun 80's prom band Fitz and the Tantrums hit La Zona Rosa's stage tomorrow and tickets are still available! Alright, so they're not an 80's prom band but the first time I saw Fitz and co. at SXSW 09 that was the first thought that came to mind. They make me want to cut the sleeves off all of my t-shirts and acid-wash my jeans. I know it's a Tuesday night and you probably have work the next morning but shows at La Zona Rosa are, generally, done by midnight so you can still get a power-nap in before work the next day. Also, since LZR is away from the Red River district a savvy person can find gratis street parking. If you've never heard Fitz and the Tantrums before that's your problem! No, but seriously, I highly recommend checking them out, their live-set is full of fun and energy and you'll be humming the songs all the way home. Also, you may THINK you have never heard Fitz before but their pop-soul-indie-rock has been licensed quite a bit in the last year or two so you've probably heard at least a couple of their songs and didn't even realized it was them. For instance:

Fitz and the Tantrums - Moneygrabber video via YouTube

Doors for tomorrow night's show open at 8pm I'd expect April Smith and the Great Picture Show to start around 9pm. Although, it is possible there will be a local opener before April Smith takes the stage, I'm not privy to that information at the moment. Anyway, I'd get there by 9pm just in case, you don't want to miss April Smith. It's a name you'll be hearing a lot more in the months to come.

April Smith and the Great Picture Show - Terrible Things video via YouTube