My first FunFunFunFest-related event is happening at the Barton Creek Mall at 4pm today. Fun Fest artist, Small Black will be playing a free set at Nordstrom today and I intend to be there. Tomorrow at 9pm, you can catch a free in-store from Beach Fossils at a Swatch Store on 2nd street as well. The fest's official, unofficial start is tomorrow night with the FunFunFun Nites shows. You probably already knew this but when you strap that Fun Fest wristband on, it gets you in to all of the Nites events at no additional charge. If you only bought a single day pass, that will still get you in to all of Thursday's Nites events but that is only true for Thursday shows. Every other evening, you will only have access to the Nites shows on the night of your single-day pass. There will be a temporary box office setup at Holy Mountan on Thursday from Noon to Midnight so, if you need to pick up your Will-Call tickets or you still need to buy tickets to the fest, you may do so there. There will also be an on-site box office at Auditorium Shores, which will be open starting at noon tomorrow as well.
Beach Fossils - Generational Synthetic video via YouTube
If you're planning to just stick with one venue Thursday night, I would choose the Mohawk. It's not the only venue with a good Nites show tomorrow but it will get you the most bang for the proverbial buck. You'll want to arrive downtown early to pick up your wristband and get inside the 'Hawk by 8pm to catch Roger Sellers followed by The Tontons. Since these Nites shows are first come, first served be sure to plan ahead. Prepare to stand in line, prepare to be patient and polite with the staff and your fellow patrons. Kurt Vile is headlining the outside stage tomorrow night so, I expect the Mohawk to be the most crowded of all of the Nites venues on Thursday. Don't show up at 9pm and expect to wander in freely.
Once you are inside the fortress of rock that is the Mohawk you have the opportunity to catch sets from 6 bands. I already mentioned the three bands playing the outside stage but once Kurt Vile puts his guitar away you can head inside and catch Dana Falconberry at 11pm. She'll be followed by The Migrant and then Leopold and his Fiction at 1am.
Another strategy for tomorrow night might be to catch the outside show at Mohawk and then skip over to Red 7. That's not my number one recommendation because I love Dana Falconberry and I'd prefer you didn't skip her set HOWEVER, the line-up at Red 7 tomorrow night kicks some serious ass. Most specifically, you'll want to be there by 11:15 at the latest because that's when Dikes of Holland hit the stage. Their set will be followed by, the always spectacular, OBN III's. That's a seriously awesome back-to-back of Austin rock 'n roll.
Too much rock for you? Well, there's a dance party over at The Parish Thursday night and RJD2 is playing a headlining set some time after midnight. Sure, that means venturing into the heart of Dirty 6th but it also means seeing RJD2. You decide what's worth it.
If you're still on the fence about whether or not to attend FunFunFun Fest let me help you out, yes you should go. No, not for just one day, you should get a three day pass. Yes, you should buy me liquor drinks and Topo Chico when you see me at the club. No, you shouldn't wear those toe shoes. Yes, you should cut that pony tail. No, you shouldn't vote Republican.