A few weeks ago I received an e-mail about JMSN. I had never heard of this artist but I clicked the SoundCloud link because JMSN has been on tour with Active Child. After listening to that one track I decided I had to check out his show in Austin. Well kids, that show is tonight and it's happening at Lambert's. You can still buy tickets online but if you show up at the door with $12 you'll save yourself some fees.
I'm sorry this isn't much of a preview post because I'm still learning about the artist. What I can tell you is he released a new EP two days ago and the song above the break is the lead single from that EP, which is entitled Pllajë.
Other than that all I can tell you is what I've learned from Wikipedia. He's originally from Michigan, he's a producer, there's all kinds of great stuff in there. I am planning to attend tonight's show at Lambert's though so, hopefully on his next trip through Austin, I can speak more intelligently about JMSN until then I'll let the music speak for itself.
JMSN - Walk Away video via YouTube
JMSN Photo Credit: CB4TOS