Pure X - Heaven video via YouTube
The new Pure X record is spaced-out psychedelic-easy-listening. I'm not even sure that's a thing but it sort of makes me feel like I'm listening to a warped Real Estate record after drinking more than the recommended dosage of Tussin. Maybe that's not the most appealing description but I thoroughly enjoy this band and I think you might as well. They're playing Empire Control Room this evening along with M Geddes Gengras. This event should only cost you $8 at the door and I'd expect music to start closer to 10pm.
Maybe psychedelic easy-listening's not your thing? I can respect that. Sometimes you need something a bit more visceral, a real-ass rock 'n roll experience. Well, if that's your thing then you should head on over to Beerland for the Ghetto Ghouls' record-release show. You can buy the band's self-titled LP now from Monofonous for $15 or you can put that money in the hands of the band that made it (or people who know them) at Beerland this evening. Tonight's show is a tour kick-off show, so maybe you could fling fuel cards at the stage instead of just empty beer cans tonight?

Ok, so you don't like psychedelic-easy-listening, you're not interested in the Ghetto Ghouls show either, maybe I can interest you in some power-pop? Cheer-Up Charlies is always the perfect place to end up any night you happen to be downtown and tonight is no exception. First of all admission is free to anyone over 21+ so, if you're tight on funds there's that. If you're not tight on funds, there's usually a donation can at the door for the bands I'm about to recommend. Alms for the poor and all that. The line-up includes Party Girl, Those Howlings, The Mole People, and Growl. Check the Event Page for set times.
Not into guitars whatsoever? Damn boo, you picky. I gotchu though. This is Austin, so far this post has kept shit local. If we're going with that vibe I'm pointing you over to Lambert's for Corduroi and Holiday Mountain. I heard Laurie Gallardo call Holiday Mountain "dub-pop" on KUT. I'm not exactly sure I know what that means but I do know that this poster will tell you everything you need to know about this event. #molly

Ok, so you don't like psych-easy, you're not into garage-punk, you don't like power-pop/guitar-shit and that Holiday Mountain poster scared the shit out of you. Well I have a recommendation even for a judgy prick such as yourself. International superstar DJ/Producer Duke Dumont is in Austin hot on the heels of his Coachella appearance last night and he's playing Kindgom. That's right, the club you get to in that alley behind the Frost Tower is hosting Duke Dumont tonight. If that's not exciting to you, then either you're not into dance music, you're not as gay as I am, or you just discovered Disclosure in which case you'll regret missing this show in roughly 8 months. Tickets are $20 for this show and I wouldn't expect that they'll be available by the time the doors open so if you want in, pay now.
Duke Dumont - Need U (100%) video via YouTube
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